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First and foremost, your privacy is paramount to us; we are aware of the trust you place in our organisation when you choose us for our services, and we are committed to protecting your personal data in the best possible way; processing will always be based on the principles of transparency, fairness, lawfulness, protection of confidentiality and the rights of individuals.

What is this page for?

Before collecting personal data, the European Regulation 679/2016 stipulates that people must be informed, in a simple and transparent manner; in this information policy we describe, in a simple and transparent manner, what data we collect, for what reasons, how it is processed; we also report what rights are granted to data subjects by the privacy regulation.
If there are any changes, we will update this policy accordingly, so please check this page regularly.
This information notice has been drafted to be simple, comprehensible and accessible; if you need further information on the concept of "personal data", on what is meant by "processing of personal data", or on the terminology used in this information notice, we recommend that you visit the specific in-depth page on the website of the Italian Data Protection Authority.

Services provided and ownership of processing

The real estate brokerage services on the portal are provided by Great Estate srl; for the personal data provided in these areas, it assumes ownership of the processing; the relevant information is here.
The services relating to holiday rentals and short stays offered by our portal are provided by Great Stays srl; for the personal data provided in these areas, it takes ownership of the processing; the relevant information is here.

Service recipients and types of users

The use of this portal is intended exclusively for persons of legal age; persons under the age of 18 may not use its services.
There are certain types of users on the portal:

  • Guest User: guest users can use some services of our portal (e.g. property search or holiday rentals search) even without being registered;
  • Registered User: in order to make full use of the services of our portal, user registration is required, which entails the sharing of some personal data (e.g. name, surname, e-mail, telephone);
  • Professional User: These are the subjects that operate for professional purposes on our portal, such as the operators of our real estate network, other agencies and in general the subjects that interact with the portal for business purposes.

Processing policy for real estate brokerage services (Owner/Controller: Great Estate srl)

To provide our services, such as searching for your ideal property, receiving information on a specific property or type of property, estimation of your property and offering it for sale through our network, and - more generally - carrying out our real estate brokerage services, we will need to receive some of your data, which the current protection legislation qualifies as personal data.
Furthermore, we inform you that the mere browsing of this website - during navigation - results in the collection of some data automatically formed by IT systems, such as IP address, some browser identifiers, language settings and other technical data inherent in communication protocols, ITC tools and software components.

Types of personal data processed, provided or generated by the IT tools
Consultation of this portal is also possible as a guest user, whereas in order to use our full services, you must register; this request for use generates a contractual relationship between you and our company, on which, moreover, one of the legal bases legitimately adopted to carry out processing will be based.

Your personal data to be acquired will differ according to the type of user:

  • Guest user: in this category, data generated by browsing as a guest (without being authenticated to the system) are essentially processed, such as IP address, identifiers of the browser and/or device used for browsing, language preferences, etc.; for more details on the software components that generate cookies - adopted in the portal - please consult the separate cookie policy.
  • Registered User: In addition to the data generated automatically by our IT infrastructure, in order to register for use of the services of our portal, interested parties must provide their identification details (e.g. first name, surname, account user-id and password, references or copies of documents such as identity card or passport), contact details (e.g. residence address, telephone numbers, e-mail), property search interests, evaluation feedback, comments, data relating to the services contracted (e.g. data on the property for sale), data on the credit card, bank account or Paypal account used for payments, etc.; we also make possible the use of 'social-login' technologies, which can be adopted voluntarily by users.
  • Professional User: With regard to Professional Users, in addition to the above-mentioned personal data, further information may be acquired concerning the role performed, organisation to which they belong, qualification titles, professional certifications, etc.

Purpose of processing

Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

Purposes Legal base
  1. using our website to search for a favourite property, a type of property or property in a specific geographical area;
  2. registration to our portal in order to offer you further services or customisation, save preferences and searches, provide information or support to customers on a specific type of property;
  3. putting your property on the market through the portal and, more in general, carry our real estate intermediation services out;
  4. forwarding enquiries from potential buyers to owners, keeping track of the property viewings, in order to be able to periodically communicate to the owners of the property the specific expression of interest of the potential purchaser, and present in the terms of the contract; ;
contractual or pre-contractual duties fulfilment
  1. sending newsletters, information, commercial proposals, promotion and special offers inherent to our properties portfolio and/or the services of the Great Estate network;
  2. doing certain market research about users’ experience and/or satisfaction from using our portal;
  3. offering our post-sale services;
  4. personalising contents and listings, collecting and analysing the different behaviours during the surfing to improve the website usability, contents and user’s experience.
  5. using social-login tools;
  6. collecting evaluations and/or interviews from customers, relating to their experience of buying or selling a property;
your consent
  1. fulfilling the obligations provided for in law, regulation, community law or in a Competent Authority’s order (as, for example, the registration of guests with the competent offices);
legal duties
  1. sending information on properties similar to those you have viewed or searched for as being of interest to you;
  2. making our informative systems correctly working, analysing the traffic and functionality of the portal, put the security measures needed in place and prevent illegal activities or anti-fraud controls;
  3. receiving brokerage fees from the parties (sellers and buyers) that have been put in contact to close the real estate transaction;
  4. exercising the owner of the company rights as, for instance, the right of defence in court proceedings.
legitimate interest
Data providing and consequences of refusal

It is necessary to provide your personal data for the purposes indicated in points 1-4; without them we will not be able to carry out the activities indicated in each point. Consent to the processing is not necessary insofar as the processing is based on the fulfilment of contractual obligations or pre-contractual activities.
Your consent for the purposes indicated in points 5 to 10 is optional; without it, we will not be able to carry out the relevant activities and the use of the services may be partial or impossible; we inform you that your consent may subsequently be modified or revoked, in a simple and immediate manner, in your private area of the portal or by making a simple request to our privacy contact at .

Processing modalities and security measures

We lawfully and correctly process your personal data by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access, divulgation, modification or non-authorized data destruction. Personal data processing is prevalently made through IT and/or telematic tools, by adopting adequate organisational modalities and following some logic which is strictly connected to the hereinbefore given purposes.
Personal data access
Your personal data may be made available to:

  • our employed or collaborators, authorised for the purpose;
  • to external collaborators, entrusted with specific technical and/or management tasks;
  • the agencies of our real estate network and more generally, to qualified entities operating in the real estate sector;
  • other external subjects who, upon nomination as data controllers, carry out outsourced processing activities, necessary to pursue the purposes indicated above.
Your personal data may be transmitted to other partner companies of our Group for the purposes identified in the present notice only, and they will not be subjected to diffusion or given to third parties.

Sharing of personal data with third parties

Some of your data may be communicated to our partner companies (e.g. banks, credit intermediaries for the provision of mortgages or loans, and other services connected with a real estate transaction) in order to better provide the services contracted and - more in general - to carry out our statutory activities. These are qualified subjects, who may act - on our behalf - as external data controllers or autonomous data holders. Except as indicated above, your data will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties.

Personal data processing location

Your personal data will be processed, by the owner of the company or by the processing officers, within the European Union. If for any technical and/or operational issues, it is necessary to make use of subjects located outside the European Union, we will take the necessary precautions to obtain the same level of protection guaranteed by EU Regulation 679/2016; the web servers and in support of our portals are provided by DigitalOcean and located at their datacenter in the EU (Netherlands); for corporate collaborative functions we have adopted Google Workspace (always based in European datacenters), while to send newsletters we use MailGun's email tools, (with based in European datacenters); some processing related to third-party cookie and/or identification-generating tools, as well as those related to social-login tools reside outside the EU space, generally in the US; the relevant privacy policies can be found on the respective websites.

Data retention and deletion time

Your personal data will be kept for the minimum period needed to pursue the purposes for which they were collected, except in case of a further retention period imposed (or which may be imposed) by law. In connection with the only optional data collected, they will be kept for no longer than the period needed to reach the related purposes, or until the consent suspension, that can be implemented by simple request to: .

Rights of data subjects

European Data Protection Regulation guarantees data subjects various rights, specifically:

  • the right to be informed;
  • the right of access;
  • the right to rectification;
  • the right to portability of personal data;
  • “the right to be forgotten”.
Further information on these rights is also available in the specific section on the rights of data subjects on the website of the National Supervisory Authority.
The exercise of these rights can be done, in a simple way, through an e-mail communication to the address: .
EU Regulation 679/2016 also grants data subjects the right to report possible breaches of data protection law to the Garante through complaints and reports.

Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller has instructed a Data Protection Officer (abbreviated to DPO or RPD), whom you may contact for any clarification on the protection of your personal data, or for support in exercising your rights; he can be reached directly at: .

Data controller

The data controller is GREAT ESTATE IMMOBILIARE srl, with registered office in Palazzone - Via Piana, 15 - 53040, San Casciano dei Bagni - Siena - ITALY - CF and VAT ID 01246560526.

Last update: 29 May 2024
