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Terms and conditions

The website "www.greatestate.it" along with the related sub-domains, which contain the extension greatestate.it (hereafter referred to as "Site") are owned and operated by Great Estate Immobiliare srl (hereafter referred to as “Great Estate”), with headquarters in San Casciano dei Bagni (SI), Palazzone County, Via Piana 15, 53040. Tel. +39 0578 59050, Fax +39 0578 850004, mobile +39 351 1667107 - info@greatestate.it P.iva 01246560526, chamber of commerce membership registered in Siena No 759, society capital € 28,000.00
These general terms and conditions (Terms & Conditions) for use of the Site, together with the privacy notice and other notes and conditions published on the Site, govern the access to and use of the Site, by the User and constitute a binding agreement between Great Estate and the User.
User refers both to the user: who accesses the website, that publishes content, adds contributions, advertisements or posts on the Site and or who uses the online services of greatestate.it.
These terms and conditions govern the use of this website. By using this website, you accept these terms and conditions, privacy policy, subsequent amendments and / or Updates in full. By accessing any areas of the Site you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions If you do not agree to all of the Terms of Use, please do not use this site. For this reason, the user should carefully read the above documents before accessing the website and browse the content regularly.
In addition, when a user uses specific services offered by Great Estate there could be, in addition to these Terms & Conditions, additional regulating conditions in force, for those specific services.

Great Estate reserves the right to modify and / or update all or part of the Terms of Use and / or other conditions that govern your access to the Site at any time, by publishing new terms and conditions. The future use of the site, by you, will constitute your acceptance of the conditions on the Site so amended and updated. If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions on the Site, the only remedy is to immediately discontinue use of the Site.

The information on this site cannot be considered under any circumstances as a substitute for professional advice on either legal, financial or property matters.
The User shall be solely liable for the use that they make of the Site. Great Estate is solely responsible for maintaining the site but does not guarantee the accuracy, veracity, lawfulness, or reliability of the information contained in the Site and the results obtained through access or use of the Site. Without limiting the aforementioned, the User also assumes all responsibility for any damage that may result to their computer system because of its access to and use of the Site.
Great Estate, its directors, officers, administers and agents accept no liability for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, caused to any recipient who has relied on any content on the Site.

Great Estate reserves the right to engage in any action deemed appropriate in order to prevent any access or unauthorized use of the Site, including, without limitation, creating technological barriers, communication of the User's conduct to the competent authority or withdrawal of access to the Site, without notice, if the above provisions have been violated.

The content posted on or accessible through the Site are protected by laws on copyright and industrial property. Great Estate is the owner of the site, the pages of the Site and the information and elements contained in it.
Unless authorized by a Great Estate, the User may not reproduce, modify, reverse engineer, distribute, copy, and distribute or disseminate any of the information or the above-mentioned items.

Great Estate does not provide any guarantee of continued access, correct visualization, download or use in any other way, of the elements and the content of the Site, subject to interruption for causes and factors independent from Great Estate.
For your convenience the Site may provide links to carious other websites that may be of interest to you. However Great Estate does not control such websites and is not responsible for the content nor is it responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice, or statements contained within such web sites. Great Estate is not responsible for the information and / or content on third party sites, accessible via the Site.
Great Estate assumes no responsibility for the information, content, products and services offered through third parties Websites.
Great Estate and third parties, that provide services and or information, disclaim any responsibility for any damage, loss, claims or expenses presumably sustained following access or lack of access to the Site as a result of the misuse of it, following any viruses or illegal program or, finally, as a result of poor usage or non-use of updated versions.

The Site may include content, advertisements, hyperlinks and references to other sites. These third-party sites are not owned by the Site and are not under the control or responsibility of Great Estate. The moment you access and browse on these sites, the User acknowledges that they are abandoning the Site at your own risk. The advertising displayed on the Site does not imply endorsement or recommendation of the same by Great Estate.

"Contribution" relates to any opinion, post and or social activity that every member can make in relation to any property, their own or belonging to others, visible on the site. This refers to all the information released including data, text, video, photographs, audio or other material that Great Estate has granted to the Users to share, publish, upload and / or store on site, in accordance with the Contract.
Great Estate will allow Users, according to the terms and conditions, to contribute contents to the Site. The user is solely responsible and accepts full responsibility for all Contributions included in the Site.
Great Estate declines any liability with regard to the Contributions. The User acknowledges that Great Estate performs no checking on Contributions, it assumes no liability with regard to the veracity of them and does not endorse their content.
Great Estate may at its sole discretion and without liability to the User, remove, edit any or all contributions and also disable access to any User. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Great Estate will do so in the presence of violation of the law and applicable regulations, as well as in satisfying a competent authority's request.
The User retains ownership of all rights, regarding ownership over their Contributions. Great Estate is not obligated to treat Contributions as confidential.
The User grants to Great Estate a worldwide, non-exclusive, free, perpetual, transferable and irrevocable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, publish, display, reproduce in public any contribution or user submission.
In relation to the Contributions on the Site, the User grants Great Estate the right to use the name of the User or the name specified upon insertion of Contributions and not to take position against the publication, use, change, cancellation and use of the contributions themselves made by Great Estate.

Users agree and warrant that:
  1. The information provided in connection with the registration are correct, true and precise;
  2. If any of the said information would be modified, they will be immediately updated;
  3. The use of the site will always be compliant with the Terms & Conditions here described and with any update published on the site;
  4. Users will keep username and password secure and confidential;
  5. Users will be responsible for any illegitimate use of their username and password;
  6. Users are legitimate to use and authorise Great Estate to show the Contributions in virtue of all necessary licences, rights, consents and permits;
  7. Users will not provide Contributions that violate the law and the applicable regulation and, in particular, all the intellectual property rights of any third party, and so they accept to pay all the royalties, fees or other amounts in connection with any Contributions inserted on the site.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Great Estate be liable for any damages what so ever arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the website including but not limited to direct, indirect, special or consequential damages even if the Site has been advised of the possibility of such damages. There can be no third party claim for any direct, indirect, consequential, economic or otherwise, such as, for example, any claim to comprehensiveness of data, lost profits, actual damages, the loss of customers by interruption of business, loss of profit, damage to the image, any loss of opportunity, loss of information or data arising from or related to the access or use of the site, breach of contract and any other provisions of applicable law.

These Terms and Conditions of Use are drafted in Italian language with English translation, in the case of any conflict the Italian text will prevail.
These Terms and Conditions of Use, Privacy Policy and other notes published on the Site, or which are referred to in the Terms & Conditions, including their subsequent amendments and / or updates, are subject to Italian law. In case of a dispute relating to or arising from the above specified, the case will be heard in accordance to the courts of the consumer taking in to account the provisions of the Italian Code relating to the Consumer.