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The Network

The strength of a big group is always at your side.

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Managed properties

Real estate agents

Are you an estate agent or do you want to become one? Do you want to specialise in the prestige sector and work with international buyers? Find out now how to join the Great Estate Network.

We are delighted to meet you. By partnering with Great Estate, you will be able to engage with a professional, structured team with extensive experience in the management of international sales of prestigious properties, multiplying your opportunities and acquiring a proven working method.

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Italian agencies

Are you an Italian real estate agency and want to specialise in the prestige sector working with international buyers? Find out now how to become part of the Great Estate Network.

Thanks to the strength of the network, you can dedicate yourself 100% to your clients, with the possibility of managing an ever-increasing number of them thanks to the group's referrals, delegating the more demanding and strategic activities to the central office. The Great Estate agencies have seen their turnover to grow, thanks to a business formula that is based on maintaining their brand identity, reinforced through professionalism, the computerisation of processes, the sharing of goals and training courses for the high level specialization.

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Entrust to Great Estate the growth of your
business in prestige real estate.

Contact us now

International agencies

Get in touch with the Great Estate Network's international development managers to find out about all the opportunities reserved for Agencies based in Europe and around the World.

Enrich your portfolio of prestigious Italian properties with a constantly updated selection in line with your clients' desires.
Great Estate properties are characterised by a well-thought-out presentation, an accurate and transparent valuation according to the current market, and professional handling of viewings and all other aspects of the sales. Innovative IT tools, developed with the latest technology, allow you to have customised and, above all, automated updates adopted for your website, and constantly monitor all clients management processes.

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A wealth of experience, an extensive property database, innovative tools
and professionalism: your trusted partner in Italy.

Contact us now

Companies and professionals

Is your business connected with prestigious real estate or holiday rentals? Multiply your business opportunities with the group’s partner network.

For years Great Estate has been cultivating fruitful collaborations with important professional studios, companies and consultants in order to widen the range of services dedicated to owners, buyers and renters. This is why Great Synergy was created, the group's partner network that puts professionals and companies in contact with the tens of thousands of clients in the network's database, generating value and always offering excellent service to those who decide to live or invest in Italy.

Read more Why become a partner

Become part of a powerful network of professionals able to offer superior products
and services to customers in the prestige real estate sector.

Join Great Synergy


Join the Great Estate Network
